So, a very short seminar would serve you, if you could hear it. And it would go something like this: Find something to be happy about. Goodbye!” – Abraham Hicks
That’s what I found on the first page of the workbook “How to Change Your Life Around In 30 Days that I found on the internet on I later also found trans scripts on the site of Abraham Hicks, or actually Esther and Jerry Hicks where you can buy it for USD 7.00. And as I’m in favor of paying for things instead of getting them for free I still consider buying it, but I’m still human so until now I didn’t. And as of ‘now-now-now’ I can’t even buy it as my internet is not working.
And that’s maybe a nice thing to continue with. We have two internet connections as I used to run a full fledged web development company and wanted to be able to help my customers any time, even if there was a problem with my ISP. So we still have those two connections and they’re both not working. So I’m annoyed as I want to use the internet. I want to be able to use the internet any time. So I’ve been focusing on that for quite a while now, my not properly working connection with my most favorite provider and the not so good connection with my second internet provider. And the last few days, especially yesterday I’ve been focusing on the ‘not working internet’. So what do I get, at least according to the Law of Attraction? Exactly, more problems with internet and more non working connection as of the moment it’s not working at all.
And I’m on “Day 10” now in my workbook and it appears there is indeed something about this Law of Attraction as I have seen things change. Not only over the last ten days, but over about a year now since I’ve been focusing on things more consciously. But looking back it is all over my life.
The weird thing is that there is indeed something about this, and other, programs related to ‘focusing’ as my financial situation got worse, something I could have never imagined all my life, and I am more happy than ever. And yes, the especially the last few days I encountered stuff about ‘money’. And it seems there is indeed something very strange around the word, or actually the subject ‘money’. And money is also a major thing in the thirty day workbook and I encountered some very weird things I wanted to share.
You see, one exercise is about spending a virtual amount of money that increases every day. So no matter what you do, the amount increases every day. And somehow I have always focused on money, I wanted more, I wanted to be rich, I wanted to be filthy rich and I still want to be very rich. But look what I am stating here: filthy rich. And don’t get me wrong I just wrote it ‘naturally’ as it’s just a common saying. I had no intention to continue about the ‘filthy’. Wow, and how to continue now, because there is so much in my mind what to tell you what I have found. As that was my intention this morning for now, sharing my experiences in an inspiring way. Well, maybe I should just continue writing as I normally do, as ‘me’ and not worry too much about what ‘they’ say, what ‘you’ say, like it’s chaotic or something. And yes, again, that’s what it’s all about. Just being me, just being you as you are. Just ‘open your valve’ as Lynn Grabhorn calls it.
So what did I found about the money. Well, I have debts at the moment, quite large debts and I don’t like them, I don’t like that as I don’t believe in debt. It’s expensive and such. It’s ‘bad’. So I started the first few days to first put half the virtual spending amount to pay my debt. And it was ok, it was ok. And today when encountering the ‘virtual spending’ I realize that my debt is not really in my mind anymore. Somehow it is not my priority anymore and it should not be as it just costs an awful lot of energy. It puts me down. And don’t get me wrong, I am not saying people shouldn’t pay their debts and I’m committed to pay my debts back including all the interest and such. But just focusing on something negative like debt is very bad; it just puts down your energy, your energy flow. I’m starting to see that now, feel that now.
So that was the first thing I noticed yesterday or so, that I had changed my focus around my debts. The second thing I’m starting to notice more and more is that I don’t know what to spend the money on. Really. And it’s really weird to have an increasing amount of money coming in every day and not knowing what to spend it on. And yes, there are some longer term goals I’m working on like having a car and renovating the house and some holidays, but that’s not the point. Because I started saving for these things even from my daily virtual spending amount, but somehow I’m starting to realize that’s kind of useless: the money is coming in anyhow in increasing amounts, so saving doesn’t make much sense. That car will be there anyhow and that holiday I can do very soon with these increasing amounts. As soon as I reach PHP 30,000.00 per day I can have a holiday by saving one or two weeks or so.
It is really weird noticing that I don’t know how to spend incoming money. So again, from a “Law of Attraction” point of view of course there is no real money coming in. It is because I don’t know what to do with it. I don’t know how to let it flow.
And again, don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying you shouldn’t save or something. That’s not the point. It’s just the weird experience I have that every day I’m starting to have a problem spending the amount coming in. I just don’t know what to do with it as it’s so much. And I know it will keep flowing, so it doesn’t make sense to save it, keep it, or even pay debts with it and the increased amount in the future will do that.
So it’s really mindset that’s blocking us. I’m starting to realize that more and more. Mindset that money is bad, mindset that there is not enough money, mindset that there is not enough of anything. And mindset is just thoughts. And one of the most funny thing I found in the workbook was the following statement:
“And we are wanting so much for you to realize that nothing is just the way it is because that’s the way it is, because everything that is the way it is, is the way it is because somebody thinks that’s the way that it is! There is no fact apart from somebody’s belief. None. So you say, Oh, well, there are all these facts. And we say they’re just beliefs that have been practiced.”
And no matter how logical you are, no matter how practical you are, this statement is just true, just plain true. And it felt very weird when I first read it.
But it’s basically also a similar thing Napoleon Hill writes in Think and Grow Rich: everything begins with a thought.